Administration - Pipeline/Actioning

Once you submit your Administration ticket, you are able to review the submission, and see what stage it is at with the Optimize Team

To navigate to the Account Administration pipeline:

Step 1. Use the side tool bar,

Sequence 01_3

Step 2. Select the CRM subheading,

Sequence 03

Step 3. Click on tickets. 

Sequence 02

Step 4.
Scroll to find "Account Administration" in the search bar

Sequence 08-2

Step 5. Additionally, be sure to use the board view when monitoring tickets in the pipelines to see the stages in the workflow,

Sequence 07-2

The pipeline is split into three stages (columns), In review, In process & Completed.

  • In review: Upon submission, each new ticket will be positioned within the "in review" phase of the pipeline. This phase enables the Project Manager to scrutinize the ticket information, ensuring accuracy and appropriateness of instructions.
  • In process: Once the ticket is approved, it will move to the "In Process" stage. In this stage, the Optimize Administration team will process the request according to the instructions listed on the ticket. 
  • Completed: When the ticket advances to the completed phase, it indicates that the Administration team has fulfilled the request. 

Action Items

Action Items indicate the current status of a ticket within the three stages. As the ticket moves through the three stages, the action items will give a more detailed description about the tickets live status. 

In Review

  • Under this stage, the action item is Portfolio Manager Review

In Process

  • In this stage, the ticket will have three different action items.
  • Pending Action: The request is awaiting action from the Administration Team.
  • Transmitted: The request has been processed by the Administration Team.
  • Pending Confirmation: The Optimize Team is verifying that the instruction has been completed.


  • In this stage the ticket can have three different action items.
  • Completed: The request is completed.
  • Rejected: The request has been rejected. 
  • Cancelled: The request has been cancelled.

Servicing Tab: Ticket Details 

If you click on a ticket, you will see an expanded view of the ticket details.

  • You will be able to see the orange bar near the top half of the screen, the orange bar indicates which of the three stages the ticket is in. (In Review, In Process, In Completed)
  •  You will have the ability to observe the assignee of the ticket, its current action item status, and the subsequent action item in line under the orange bar.
  • You will see the relevant properties to the request, this includes the Request Type, Root, Accounts, and any attached documentation.

If a ticket is rejected or canceled, it will automatically move to the completed stage (rightmost column). It will indicate that it is canceled/rejected under the action item.  The reason for rejection can be seen by clicking on the ticket, at the bottom in red.