Financial Plan Best Practices

Learn the Financial Plan Best Practices

Please us this handbook so that you can continue to deliver significant value and premium experience for clients through Financial Planning. Review the tables and outlined descriptions below in oder to understand how best to deliver Financial Planning to clients and understanding the best practices for Financial Planning. 


Review and understand what is Financial Planning and the importance of prudent planning for Clients

Financial Planning yields Financial Planning recommendations based on client information to address some of their current situation, goals, and priorities, aiming to optimize their financial position. Recommendations may vary between planners but must be grounded in prudence. Financial Planning assesses the client's financial situation, assumptions, strategies, and recommendations, tailored to their goals. Clear and concise language is essential.


Discuss the Client's goals, needs, and priorities to understand what they are hoping to achieve through Financial Planning

When providing Financial Planning to clients, one of the foundational steps is engaging in conversations to unearth their unique Financial Planning goals, needs, and priorities. This process goes beyond simply collecting data; it's about understanding the client's aspirations, values, and concerns on a deeper level.

These discussions should be approached with a holistic perspective, taking into account not just the numerical aspects of a client's finances, but also their lifestyle, family dynamics, career ambitions, and future plans. It can be worth asking questions such as:

  • What are your short-term and long-term Financial Planning goals?
  • Are there any major life events on the horizon, such as buying a home, starting a family, or retiring?
  • What are your priorities when it comes to spending, saving, and investing?
  • How do you envision your ideal lifestyle, and what financial resources are necessary to support it?

By delving into these topics, valuable insights will be uncovered that enable tailored financial planning recommendations that not only addresses the client's immediate needs but also sets them on a path towards achieving their long-term aspirations. This client-centric approach lays the groundwork for a collaborative partnership where clients are provided trusted Financial Planning recommendations, guiding them towards financial success while always keeping their unique goals and priorities at the forefront


Ensure you review relevant information to the client's situation before making any Financial Planning recommendations

Reviewing sufficient information about the client's financial situation before implementing Financial Planning recommendations is crucial. Quantitative data, such as income and expenses, provides a numerical foundation for financial planning, while qualitative insights into the client's goals, biases, and tendencies ensure Financial Planning recommendations are aligned with their unique circumstances. Integrating both types of information leads to /Financial Planning recommendations that are not only technically sound but also personally meaningful, empowering clients to make informed financial decisions that resonate with their aspirations and values.


Review the client's Information to identify and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in their financial situation relative to their Financial Planning goals, needs, and priorities

When engaging in the review of a client's information, it's crucial to consider both quantitative and qualitative factors. Quantitative data such as income, expenses, assets, and liabilities provides a numerical foundation for understanding the client's financial position. However, it's equally important to delve into qualitative aspects such as their values, aspirations, and life circumstances to gain a holistic understanding of their financial goals and priorities.

During this process, the aim is to identify the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the client's financial situation relative to their goals and needs. Strengths may include stable income streams, well-managed debt levels, or high levels of savings that align with their long-term objectives. Conversely, weaknesses could manifest as insufficient savings for retirement, high levels of debt, or lifestyle expenses that interfere with their objectives.

By evaluating these strengths and weaknesses, you can explain to clients how effectively ther current financial situation supports their overarching goals and priorities. This assessment serves as a foundation for developing strategies to capitalize on strengths and address weaknesses, ensuring that the Financial Planning recommendations are aligned with their unique circumstances. Furthermore, the review process may uncover opportunities for optimization and improvement, as well as potential threats or challenges that need to be addressed proactively. Overall, a thorough review of the client's financial situation enables you to develop tailored Financial Planning strategies that empower them to navigate their financial journey with confidence and achieve their desired outcomes.


Assess possible financial planning strategies that help achieve the client's specific goals, needs, and priorities

Assessing possible financial planning strategies involves analyzing various approaches to help achieve the client's specific goals, needs, and priorities. This process requires a thorough examination of the client's financial situation, considering factors such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and qualitative factors. By understanding these components, you can identity potential strategies that align with the client's objectives.

Financial planning strategies may include budgeting and expense management techniques to optimize cash flow or debt management strategies to reduce interest costs and improve overall financial health. Additionally, strategies related to retirement planning, education funding, and estate planning may be explored based on the client's unique circumstances and goals.

Furthermore, the assessment of financial planning strategies involves evaluating their feasibility, effectiveness, and alignment with the client's priorities. This may require considering various scenarios and potential outcomes to determine the most suitable approach. By carefully assessing possible strategies, Financial Planning recommendations to client's can be better aligned with their goals and present the greatest opportunity for long term success.


Understand the basis behind prudent assumptions when developing Financial Planning recommendations for the client

Financial Planning involves the application of prudent judgment. Utilizing prudent assumptions when creating financial planning projections is crucial for providing realistic information and subsequent financial planning recomendations to clients. Reasonable estimates for inflation account for potential increases in living costs and maintaining the client's purchasing power. They should be reasonable and in line with historic averages. Similarly, realistic financial planning projections based on historical performance of their model portfolio or one of a similar asset allocation will provide clients a more accurate understanding of their long-term financial prospects. Overall, prudent assumptions ensure that clients receive realistic assessments of their financial situation, helping to keep their goals and priorities achievable over time.


Present Financial Planning Recommendations in a way that the client can understand their situation and the next steps for implementing it

Clear communication is key when presenting financial planning recommendations to clients, ensuring they understand their current situation and the necessary next steps for implementation. To achieve this, it's essential to simplify complex financial planning concepts and avoid using technical jargon that may confuse or overwhelm clients. Instead, using plain language that resonates with the client's level of understanding enhances comprehension and empowers them to make informed decisions.

Breaking down Financial Planning recommendations into actionable steps is another crucial aspect of clear communication. By outlining specific tasks, timelines, and responsibilities, clients can easily visualize the path forward and understand what needs to be done to achieve their Financial Planning goals. This approach not only fosters clarity but also instills a sense of ownership and accountability, motivating clients to take proactive steps towards achieving their financial goals.

Moreover, providing context and rationale behind each recommendation enhances client comprehension and buy-in. Explaining the reasoning behind certain strategies and how they align with the client's goals and priorities helps build trust and confidence in the recommendations provided. Clients are more likely to follow through with implementation when they understand the purpose and potential benefits of each Financial Planning recommendation.


Communicate with the client to review progress, check for updates, and stay on top of their Financial Planning

Regular communication with clients is vital for providing effective Financial Planning. By discussing their progress, checking for updates, and providing ongoing Financial Planning, you can ensure that clients stay on track towards their goals.

Discussions with clients enables you to stay aware of the progress made towards achieving their Financial Planning objectives. By analyzing their progress, you can identify areas of success and areas that may require adjustment or further Financial Planning recommendations.

Furthermore, regular communication provides an opportunity to check for updates in the client's life circumstances. Significant life events such as marriage, childbirth, job changes, or unexpected financial windfalls can have a profound impact on a client's financial situation and goals. By staying informed about these changes, you can continually accommodate new priorities or challenges when providing clients with Financial Planning.

Additionally, ongoing Financial Planning ensures that the client's Financial Planning strategies remain relevant and effective over time. Economic conditions, tax laws, and opportunities are constantly evolving, requiring a dynamic approach to Financial Planning. Regular discussions allow clients to stay abreast of these changes and proactively adjust their financial goals, needs, or objectives accordingly.

Overall, Financial Planning is a living process and ongoing communication and check-ins are a key to ensuring clients stay on track to achieve their long-term goals.


Identify when an investment related discussion is required and integrating a Portfolio Manager

If during a Financial Planning discussion a need to discuss investments has been identified with the client, schedule a time for a licensed Portfolio Manager or Associate Portfolio Manager to connect with the client as necessary.