Learn how to Initiate a transfer from another brokerage to your Optimize account.
Initiate a transfer
You can initiate a transfer to move funds either partially or fully from an outside brokerage account to an investment account at Optimize. These types of transfers can be initiated on all account types, and do not require an authorized bank account to be set up on the receiving account.
Transfers can be initiated to move part of an account or an entire account. All transfers that are initiated must be done in-cash, with the exception of GICs, which can be moved in-kind.
How to submit the request.
Search for client contact in the HubSpot Search bar, open the client contact card, and find the client’s CRM Contact record page.
From the client's contact record, start by navigating into the Servicing (Service Request) tab, which is found in the middle panel of the contact record.
Then click on Cash and Security Management.
Step 1:
- Select Add Funds
Step 2:
- Select Initiate a transfer
Step 3:
- Select the To account.
Step 4:
- Enter the details of the relinquishing institution
- Select whether this is a new or existing client
- Attach a signed NBIN-T04 Transfer Authorization for Registered Investments form.
- For Non-Registered accounts attach NBIN-302 Authorization to Transfer Non-Registered Account form.
For account specific contributions, please refer to these articles: