Request a rollback

Learn how to submit this request

This request is to rollback a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RIF) to Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Life Income Fund (LIF) to Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA)/LRSP. This can only be done if the account holder is less than 71 years old. 

Be advised, if the client still has a minimum payment balance remaining on the account, it must first be paid out, via a Withdraw Funds request, prior to submitting the rollback request.

How to submit the request

First, find the client's CRM Contact Record page by searching contact name in the search bar. Navigate to the Servicing (Service Request) tab on your clients contact card and select Account Administration. 

Step: 1

  • Select Special handling

Step 2:

  • Select Rollback Options

Step 3:

  • Select the LIF or RIF account (from Account)

Step 4:

  • Select the to account.

Step 5: 

  • Attach the applicable forms, and enter the amount you would like to rollback

  • Click Submit, and you are now able to track your ticket.