Updating Client Information

Learn how to submit a ticket to update Client information

In certain rejection reports, it may be necessary to update your clients information. To accomplish this, please submit a new ticket along with an updated Letter of Direction (LOD).

You can submit a ticket to update a client's:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth 
  • Sin

Let's go through how you would submit a ticket:

Step 1. On the CRM, search for the Clients contact Card.

Sequence 03-1Step 2. Under servicing tab, click on Account Administration 

Sequence 04-1

Step 3. Select Special Handling 

Sequence 05

Step 4. Then scroll to the bottom and select Update *blank (click the request type that you need to update, in this example we clicked Update Name)  

Sequence 16_1

Step 5. Select the Root and press Next. Attach the correct documentation (LOD)

Sequence 17

Step 6.  Then press the submit button 

Your request has been placed and you are now able to track your ticket!


Where to find the proper LOD

Step 1. Log into the Optimize Portal and select Document -> Servicing Documents 


Step 2. Look for the LOD that is needed to update a request. Each document can be downloaded in a PDF form.