Contributing to an investment account (Add Funds requests)

Learn about the three methods of contributing to your client's investment accounts.

Search for client contact in the HubSpot Search bar, open the client contact card, and find the client’s CRM Contact record page.

You can submit a request to contribute funds to a client's investment account by navigating to the Servicing (Service Request) extension, selecting Cash and Security Management, and then by selecting Add Funds.

The Add Funds request section has three Request Types that you can choose from when contributing funds to a client's investment accounts: EFT In, Contribute from investment account, and Initiate a transfer.


Contributions can be made by way of Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) for most account types. In order to submit a EFT In request, the account being contributed to must have a bank account authorized to process EFT In requests on the client's behalf. In the absence of an authorized bank account, you can submit a request to Add Banking to this account.

EFT In request can be processed for most account types, however it is not an option for a select few accounts. Below is a list of available account types that you can submit an EFT In request for:

  • Non-Registered Accounts: Cash and Margin
  • Registered Accounts: RRSP, Spousal RSP, TFSA, FHSA, RESP, and RDSP.

Learn about how to submit an EFT In request.

Contribute from investment account

Non-Registered investment accounts at Optimize can be used to make contributions to certain Registered investment accounts. This type of request does not require an account to have authorized banking set up, however it is subject to the type of account being contributed to and the type of account the contribution is being made from. Below is a list of accounts that can be used to contribute funds from, and the respective account types that can be contributed to:

  • Cash (Individually or jointly held): RRSP, Spousal RSP, TFSA, FHSA, RDSP
  • Margin (Individually or jointly held): RRSP, Spousal RSP, TFSA, FHSA, RDSP
  • Cash (Individually or jointly held): RRSP, Spousal RSP, TFSA, FHSA, RDSP
  • Margin (Entity, individually or jointly held): RRSP, Spousal RSP, TFSA, FHSA, RDSP

Additionally, the account being contributed to must be denominated in the same currency as the account the funds are being sent from (i.e. CAD to CAD, USD to USD). 

All contributions from a related investment account are made by moving securities in kind.

Learn about how to submit a request to Contribute from a related investment account.

Initiate a transfer

You can initiate a transfer to move funds either partially or fully from an outside brokerage account to an investment account at Optimize. These types of transfers can be initiated on all account types, and do not require an authorized bank account to be set up on the receiving account.

Transfers can be initiated to move part of an account or an entire account. All transfers that are initiated must be done in-cash, with the exception of GICs, which can be moved in-kind.

Learn about how to initiate a transfer.