Planning Page: Using Expert Mode

Customizing Client Strategies in Expert Mode

What is Expert Mode in SAM? 

Expert Mode in Conquest Planning Strategic Advice Manager (SAM) offers advanced financial planners the ability to fine-tune and prioritize strategies within a client’s financial plan. It allows users to explore a list of available strategies, each with its expected impact on specific goals.

When a strategy is selected, its individual contribution is displayed in the Applied Strategies panel, providing clear insights into how it adjusts the overall financial picture. Expert Mode also enables the use of unranked strategies, which have no initial impact but can be edited to apply their effects. This feature empowers planners to customize plans more precisely and make informed decisions based on the strategies that best fit their clients' needs.

How Does Using Expert Mode Work in Practice?

Step 1
Activating Expert Mode
Once the user is on the Planning page, the planner will select the 'Expert Mode' prompt to start the process. 
Step 2
Automatic Strategy Selection
Once the 'Expert Mode' option is selected, a list of available strategies will appear for the Planner to choose from and prioritize. In the image below, with the Retirement Goal selected (by clicking the respective progress pie chart), SAM will provide personalized strategies and advice to help the Client achieve their Goal.
Step 3
Reviewing Applied Strategies
Once the strategies are applied, the Strategies Panel will show the selected strategies. Planners can view a list of strategies that have been automatically selected by the system.
Step 4
Making Adjustments
If necessary, planners can modify the applied strategies directly from the Applied Strategies Panel, enabling manual adjustments to any part of the plan.

Features and Functionality

Unranked Strategies

  • Some strategies in the list will appear unranked when first selected.
  • These unranked strategies do not immediately affect the client's goal or financial plan.
  • However, once an unranked strategy is edited or adjusted, its impact on the goal will be applied, influencing the financial plan accordingly.

Viewing All Strategies

  • To view the full list of available strategies, click the More button at the bottom of the Strategies panel.
  • This will expand the list, showing additional strategies that may not be visible in the initial view.

Search for Specific Strategies

  • After expanding the strategy list, a search bar will appear at the top of the panel.
  • The search bar enables quick access to specific strategies by allowing you to type in keywords or strategy names, helping to find relevant options faster.

Simplifying the View

  • To condense the list and reduce clutter, click the Less button.
  • This will collapse the expanded list, simplifying your view and making it easier to focus on the most relevant strategies.

Expert Mode in Conquest Planning Strategic Advice Manager (SAM) allows financial planners to customize strategies to better meet their clients’ goals. It enables the selection, prioritization, and modification of strategies, showing their individual impact on goals. With options to adjust unranked strategies and easily search or simplify the view, Expert Mode provides a flexible, tailored approach to creating personalized financial plans.