Understanding the To-do list
The To-Do List in Conquest Planning's platform is a streamlined feature designed to improve the execution of financial plans by converting recommendations into actionable items. This system automates the creation of these action items based on strategies applied during the planning process, saving time for advisors and ensuring consistency in implementation.
The To-do list contains the actionable items from the recommended strategies that are applied to the plan. You may have multiple to-dos for any one strategy. To-dos can be reviewed in either the Dashboard or by clicking the Review dropdown and selecting Review plan.The to-do list updates automatically each time a strategy is added from the Planning or What-If pages.
You can sort the to-do list by the goal, owner, action date, or strategy type; and have the list filtered to show to-dos that are due now or due later.
Completing the To-Do List
All items in the To-do list are included as a result of an applied planning strategy. You may add a to-do item by adding a strategy on the Planning page. Conversely, remove a to-do from the action plan by removing the associated strategy. After presenting and reviewing the recommended plan and strategies, the next step is to confirm the action plan. Confirming the action plan will lock all strategies and associated to-dos. When you confirm the action plan, Conquest stores the plan’s data which will help track future goal progress.
After confirming the action plan, the Mark complete button becomes available. Clicking it will add the changes to the plan in order to reflect that a strategy has transformed into present reality. For example, marking a savings strategy complete will delete the now-locked strategy and create an entry in the Savings card to reflect the new behaviour.
As items on the list are completed by the client, start updating the current plan data accordingly by clicking the Mark complete button. You will be re-directed to the current data pop-up for the relevant card where the update can be made and you can either edit the data or complete and confirm the data as presented. Once completed, the to-do is considered complete and the changes are now part of the current plan in your reports and can be seen in the appropriate current data overview cards.
More strategies may be applied at any time, however, previously confirmed strategies and to-dos cannot be edited. You can delete a to-do entry by clicking the trash icon to indicate the client does not plan on doing the previously confirmed strategy. This will delete both the to-do entry as well as the related locked strategy.
Unlock confirmed strategies
You can confirm an action plan through the Workflow feature on the Review page and any applied strategies within that plan immediately become locked. When you come back and re-plan or create new sandboxes (including the Client Sandbox), you can copy the Live Plan with the locked strategies and those strategies will no longer be locked, instead, they will be fully editable in any sandbox you create. You will have full control and editing rights of any sandbox plan (and your clients will have full editability in their Client Sandboxes).
From the applied strategies panel, you can identify which strategies are locked and part of a confirmed plan with the new lock and confirmed indicator.
Each locked strategy will now have an edit icon button available in the top right corner that allows you to first select and then make any adjustment necessary for the strategy.
When you click the edit icon, a modal will display asking you to confirm your decision to edit the strategy; this will only happen once per session.
If you select Cancel, the modal will close, and the strategy will remain locked and confirmed.
If you select Edit, the strategy will become editable with its details fully expanded and the plan will move to unconfirmed, if it was in a confirmed state. All associated strategy to-dos will reflect the edits made and will move to an unconfirmed state.
If the confirmed strategy is associated with one or more completed to-do items, the edit icon will be disabled, and you will not have ability to edit the strategy.
While viewing a locked and confirmed strategy you can open the strategy to see the Why and the How text.
You can quickly link directly to the connected to-do items related to the strategy when the strategy is locked.
Click Confirmed to-do items, and you will be directed to the to-do list, filtered by strategy, and sorted by all. You will then automatically be focused on the strategy section in question.