HubSpot (CRM) | Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Common FAQs for the CRM

How do I cancel a Service Request?

Service requests can only be canceled while they are in the 'In-Review' status. Once a request has moved beyond this stage, cancellation is generally not possible. 

Withdrawal requests may be canceled if they are pending action in the trade processing stage before Thursday of that week. However, once the request is in process or pending settlement, cancellation is no longer possible.

How do I see the status of an account on the CRM?

To view the status of an account on the CRM, simply navigate to the account details page within the CRM system. Once there, you should be able to see a summary of the account's current status, including any recent activity or updates. This information will help you stay informed about the progress and status of the account within the CRM platform. 

How do I see the RESP breakdown on the CRM?

To view the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) breakdown on the CRM, navigate to the account details page of the specific account in question. Once there, you should be able to access a section that provides a detailed breakdown of the RESP associated with the account. This breakdown will include information such as contributions, investment growth, withdrawals, and current balance within the CRM system. This information will help you track and manage the RESP effectively for the account holder.

How do I see the beneficiaries of a RESP on the CRM?

To view the beneficiaries of a RESP on the CRM, navigate to the account details page of the specific account in question. Once there, you should be able to access a section that provides a list of beneficiaries associated with the Registered Education Savings Plan. This information will include the names of the beneficiaries, their relationship to the account holder, and any other relevant details regarding their involvement in the RESP. This feature allows you to easily track and manage the beneficiaries of the RESP within the CRM system.

How do I see historical request submitted for a client?

To view historical requests submitted for a client, navigate to the client's account details page within the CRM system. Look for a tab that is called activities. Within this section, you should be able to access a log or history of all past requests submitted for the client. This information will provide you with valuable insights into the client's needs, preferences, and any previous actions taken on their behalf. By reviewing this historical data, you can better understand the client's journey and tailor your approach to meet their specific requirements effectively.

How do I see historical request submitted for a client's account?

To view historical requests submitted for a client's account, navigate to the client's account details page within the CRM system. Look for a tab labeled "Actions" and then select "property history". Within this section, you will be able to access a chronological list of all past requests submitted specifically for that client's account. This information will provide you with a detailed overview of the client's interactions and transactions, allowing you to track the progress and resolution of each request effectively. By reviewing this historical data, you can gain valuable insights into the client's account activity and tailor your services to meet their needs efficiently.

Where can I check my client's document delivery preferences?

To view the document delivery preferences set up for your client's account, go to the client's contact card details page in the CRM system. On the right-hand side, click "Account Administration", and you will find a section with the document delivery preferences, where you can view the information for the clients preferences. 

How can I see banking details on file for a client?

To access the banking details for a client, navigate to the client's contact card details page within the CRM system. On the right-hand side of the page, you will find a section labelled banking details where you can find the necessary information.

How can I see banking details on file for a client's account?

To access the banking details for a client's account, navigate to the client's contact card details page within the CRM system. From there, select the specific account you wish to view by clicking on it. On the right-hand side of the page, you will find a section labelled banking details where you can find the necessary information.

How do I see different ticket pipelines?

Explore our additional resources to guide you in accessing and navigating through the various ticket pipelines of interest.

How do I see who is set up as a Power of Attorney(s) for a client?

To view the Power of Attorney(s) set up for your client's account, go to the client's contact card details page in the CRM system. On the right-hand pane, if you scroll down, you will find a section labeled Powers of Attorney where you can view the individuals authorized by the client. 

I am unable to see clients under my joint Rep ID. What do I do?

If you are unable to see clients under your joint Rep ID, the first step is to ensure that you have the correct permissions and access levels set up in the CRM system. Reach out to your system administrator support team to verify that your account is properly configured to view clients under the joint Rep ID. They can assist you in troubleshooting any issues with your account settings and permissions to ensure that you have the necessary access to view clients under the joint Rep ID.